Export issues / Portability C2 to C3

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  • Hi all! I had been a casual user of Construct2 for a while now and I'm working in a project at the moment appling for first time PNG sequences as animation for Sprites. (the PNG sequences are compresed and the total export of the project is 50mb). But I'm having issues when exporting. First of all it is tooking 2 hours exporting!! and when I compile the APK to try on Android the app crashes when opening on the phone (it shows the loader and then it closes when the loader finishes load).

    Now I know this forum is C3 intended, but my question is if maybe I'm doing something wrong or simply is because C2 is broken and I should pay membership to C3 to solve this issue (maybe it will happen too on C3?)

    Any help is welcome!

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