How to use datas?

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  • I'm working on a clicker game, my game has lots of Name and Description of items and I don't want to add texts off the screen and write on them. Is there any way to spawn text objects on a objects image point and change it with the spesific Name and Description that has been storaged in a array or something?

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  • Use array if indexing data if you prefer hash table style. Alternatively use dictionary object if you just want storing keyword/name and it's definition/description. Calling string from dictionary is pretty straightforward, you call the "key" name and you get the value it's defined. While array use number to get value based on index position. So yes you can change any text (or variable value) referring to certain word or description.

  • Use array if indexing data if you prefer hash table style. Alternatively use dictionary object if you just want storing keyword/name and it's definition/description. Calling string from dictionary is pretty straightforward, you call the "key" name and you get the value it's defined. While array use number to get value based on index position. So yes you can change any text (or variable value) referring to certain word or description.

    Thanks a lot!

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