How do I create a double laser gun?

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From the Asset Store
Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Hi folks, I understand how to create a lasers coming out of a spaceship. It's done using Image points. Setting the image point, the bullet will come out from the image point.

    What if we want to create a double gun with bullet's coming out one from each wing?

    DO I have to create a spirte with the distance between the two lasers as the distance between the two wings?

  • Multiple Image points.

    Check out the video for details:

  • Take it 1 step further.

    You should create different animations for ship upgrades. And each on can have another image point. Then you can create a check to fire all the point every click.

  • Exactly, this is what I was thinking but I'm stuck at the multiple-image points. I'll check the video. THanks

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  • Ah ok, I got it. That's clever, I was trying to have two points in the same "layer" but of course it was easier to set two different image points on separate layers.

    For some reason I was trying to have a double image point on the same layer.

    Thanks man and keep it up with your YT channel!

    Edit. At this point, since the spaceship is tilting. I should create also the tilted animation for the version with the 2 lasers right?

    I was thinking about this issue and it seems like if I have let'say two powerups which changes the look of the spaceship, I also need to create x times the tilt of the spaceship with the same graphics. Correct?

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