Hi !
I'm using C3 for an art project so it has to stay alive for a very long time (a day long)
The game itself takes a lot of CPU but it goes alright when you play.
When the game is idling, it goes back to a very minimalistic scene, so I thought it would not use CPU/memory. The only event is like "goto layout X when any key is pressed". No sound or anything.
But actually Chrome still goes "out of memory" after some time, game after game, (30 minutes~1 hour, depending the computer) and I don't understand how it is possible since the game does absolutely nothing when it gets back to intro scene.
I'm no memory expert but still I tried to watch debug tools :
- C3 intro scene shows : 3,7% CPU, 0% GPU, 49.6mb images
- In memory tab in dev tools for Chrome, I see JS memory heap is constantly increasing, even when the game goes back to intro scene
Could it come from there ? It sound logical that the browser will go out of memory if the use is always increasing. How to avoid that ?