How do I add velocity to particles?

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From the Asset Store
Particles support animations, collisions, effects and etc.
  • I have a one-shot particle system that generates a cone of particles in a single blast at the player's position. If the player is moving, I would like the particles to either inherit the player's velocity or at least move with the player.

    I've tried adding the particle system to the player object's hierarchy as well as manually moving the particle system, but this doesn't seem to affect the particles themselves.

    Is there a simple way to do this?


  • My idea is that you create a variable of the player's speed, and that the particles follow that variable.

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  • You can select an object (sprite) which will be emitted by Particles object.

    This allows to control individual particles. For example, you can add Bullet behavior to that sprite. Then the particles will follow the settings you configure for them (blast), but will also move with the bullet behavior. You can change bullet speed and angle of motion in "Sprite on created" event to match the player speed/direction.

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