3d camera mouse look skipping

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  • I am making a doom style boomer shooter game, however when I try and rotate the camera it will skip, as demonstrated by this video


    this is my camera code

    mouse on left button clicked : request pointer lock

    mouse on movement : rotate camera (x = mouse.movementx / 10, y = 0, min polar angle = 0, max polar angle 180)

    anybody know a fix?

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  • The code you have there should work, but there must be something else that is affecting the camera.

    There's not really enough info here to be able to pin down the problem. It could be some code elsewhere that's interacting with your camera causing an issue such as your movement code. I would get some text elements on there displaying the various values to monitor what's going on as you move though to try to nail down any anomalies for example displaying your FPS would be a good start to at least eliminate lag as being the cause.

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