Suggestion ? Make Sprites Variables can go Global

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From the Asset Store
Globals 2.0
$3.99 USD
Globals 2.0 stores and group variables. You can also load and save data (variables) from/to JSON files.
  • Hello, don't really know where to make suggestions so ill put it here.

    I want to suggest a think that from my experience it would help a bit mostly updating games you already made.

    Making Sprites variables the possibility to be globals and don't reset when for example you release a new update for a game, and you have a family for Upgrades, where every Upgrade sprite stores variables as Level Cost and so on, but in this update you added some new stuff to this system and had to change the UI a little bit, you have to:

    -restart the layout when the game is loaded (which resets the variables of sprites)


    -manually change every thing you changed in the code for it to update as soon as the game is loaded (which is very time consuming)

    Restarting is a very fast solution for it but you can't really do it because u need the Persist behavior for it to don't reset the variables but this makes also the UI don't change

    or maybe there is something to solve this that I don't know about or maybe some 3rd party plugin that does this ?

    I don't know if I made myself clear with this so if I don't I'm sorry

    Thanks !

  • You could store the sprite asjason in local storage.

    And to load, Set sprite from json retrieved from local storage.

    You can even save the full state of the game and load it again later.

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  • Thanks for the info Lennaert, i've learned a bit of json it may work for my problem.

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