Please allow free accounts to use families. Without them I am teaching my students bad habits.

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In this template the music plays without looping in your game
  • I totally understand the limitations of the free version. It should give just enough that someone can get the feel for Construct 3 but stop short of allowing them to finish a game without paying. That makes sense. They need to make money to keep improving the software. I have my own subscription that I think is well worth it.

    The one limitation that is really holding free accounts back is the lack of families. Without families, C3 feels clunky. Some problems that should be easy to solve are difficult. For example, changing the z order of many objects on the screen so that higher Y value objects appear on top of lower Y value. This isn't a problem that can be easily solved by just using more events.

    I am running a video game making club at my school and every time I run into a problem that I would solve with families I have to either teach them a bad solution to the problem or try to avoid it. I have some students who are on the verge of getting their own subscription, but I think the kind of complicated lessons are holding them back.

    Again, I get that Scirra's success depends on people not feeling like they can finish games on the free version and allowing families would slightly reduce the about of events needed, but I still don't think anyone could reasonably finish a game in 50 events. Even if they could, I would say families are so important to the flow of coding on C3 that I would rather the limit were dropped to say 40 with families added.


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