How long before someone is assigned to look at error in GitHub

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  • How long does it take for an issue in the github to be assigned to someone and looked at?

    I posted an issue a week or so ago ( and issues raised since then have had folks assigned to them already.


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  • Please see the FAQ:

    Why haven't you responded to my bug report yet?

    We do look at every report, but developer and release schedules mean we may not get round to it immediately. Please allow a few weeks for it to be investigated. If you are waiting, you can improve the chance it is resolved when a developer does get round to it by carefully reviewing these guidelines and providing as much useful information about the problem as possible. If you are missing anything, you may end up waiting a few weeks for a reply simply asking for the missing information, and then you're back to waiting again.

    Note the assignment isn't particularly important. It just means we decided who should fix it. It doesn't represent the progress of the actual fix in any significant way.

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