Load layout images function

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500 monsters and creatures images for card games - Set 1
  • I'm wondering how do I use the "load layout images" properly to maximise performance. I find using it on the home screen, my project goes up to 70mb memory usage but once I change layout, it immediately goes back to normal 50mb, the same memory usage if I were not to even use the function/load that 2nd layout by itself. My assumption is that since I made it load all images in all layouts, the memory usage will stay the same at 70mb throughout the whole project.

    How do I use it to my advantage?


  • bump~

  • Construct already loads layouts in to memory when you switch to them. The only reason to use it is to pre-load another layout before you switch to it, making it faster to load the layout. Typically this is done on a separate loading screen. Loading another layout's images while still on a gameplay layout is dangerous, because it will temporarily spike the memory use, and risk crashing the game as it runs out of memory.

    If you want to reduce memory usage, you will need to remove objects or unload memory - not load even more things.

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  • Construct already loads layouts in to memory when you switch to them. The only reason to use it is to pre-load another layout before you switch to it, making it faster to load the layout. Typically this is done on a separate loading screen. Loading another layout's images while still on a gameplay layout is dangerous, because it will temporarily spike the memory use, and risk crashing the game as it runs out of memory.

    If you want to reduce memory usage, you will need to remove objects or unload memory - not load even more things.

    Ah ok I understand it now, thanks for the reply.

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