How Licensing work for a Freelancer

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  • 2 posts
  • 1. Does the freelancer have to have a license or the company he makes the game for?

    2. Can he have a Personal license? If I understood correctly he is considered a business, so no.

    3. If the freelancer has a Business license but at some point stops renewing, what happens to the games the made for the costumers. Can they still use them, even without an active license?

    Thank you

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  • Hello!

    The freelancer should have the license, but if the company you are working for wants to buy it for you that's OK.

    If you are a business of any size or type, you must buy a business license. This means if you are registered as a business or freelancer in your country with your government. If you are operating as an individual with no official business registration with your government personal edition is fine.

    Published games are unaffected when plans expire - you would only need a plan again if you need to make changes to the game/re-export etc.

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