I keep getting Crashes using Bookmarks

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  • I keep getting crashes periodically when I use bookmarks. Is this a known issue? or should I log this? I doubt I will be able to reproduce it.

    I've had 4 in the last week.

    It happens not when I Toggle them on, its when I double click on them to jump to them.

    I also have a pretty large event sheet, the one it always crashes on is over 2000 events. But I can't tell if its just because its the one I am always working on or not.

  • I've had bookmark crashes for a long time, haven't pinpointed why, but it's something to do with a bookmarked event that no longer exists, yet it exists in the bookmark bar. When you double-click the bookmark, it cannot find the event associated, and then crashes.

    I am so worried about the crash that I always clear my bookmarks often, just in case one of my bookmarks has turned rogue and might crash.

    I have often opened a project, see the bookmarks, double click some, and 1 might crash the project. Also in the middle of working on a project, I often use bookmarks to quickly get from A to B in a long event sheet, so sometimes I get a crash when I'm in the middle of working on something - it's gotta be something related to cutting or deleting a bookmarked event.

    I wonder if a quick fix could be done by Scirra with this limited info, like upon clicking a bookmark, check the event exists before trying to jump to the event. Problem is though, how will be prove its fixed after? Hmm.

    I'll definitely create a bug report if I figure out what exactly causes it.

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  • Jase00 I thought that at first as well that it was an outdated bookmark, but I confirmed it wasn't this last time because I clicked the bookmark, got the crash (hadn't made changes yet) reopened the same project, click the bookmark again and all was fine.

    So I just stopped using them when not saved. But it is NOT a good feeling to think the project you are working on at any point could crash when you click a bookmark!

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