🌍 Join the Fight Against Climate Change - Game Developers for a Greener Planet! 🌍

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From the Asset Store
Photoreal planets rendered over transparent. Five different resolutions and phases for each planet. Also includes Space
  • Hello everyone ,

    In the face of growing climate concerns and the pressing issue of devastating forest fires, I am rallying together as game developers to make a difference. I believe that our community can create positive change, and I'm excited to share my upcoming initiative with you!

    For the entire upcoming month, I am launching a special fundraising project where 100% of the revenue from our Construct 3 addons will be donated to two remarkable organizations leading the charge against climate change:

    🌳 50% of the whole Revenue to Stand For Trees (standfortrees.org) 🌳

    Your support will directly contribute to preserving forests, reducing carbon emissions, and protecting crucial ecosystems.

    🌎 50% to World Land Trust (worldlandtrust.org) 🌎

    By choosing our addons, you'll also be supporting efforts to safeguard vital habitats and promote biodiversity conservation.

    Together, we can create a powerful impact and send a clear message that the game-development community stands united for the future of our planet. Every addon you purchase will not only enhance your game development but also play a vital role in fighting climate change.

    Join us in this endeavor, spread the word, and let's showcase the collective strength of game developers in championing a greener world. Together, we can be a force for positive change.

    Thank you for being part of this important journey.

    King regards,

    Constantin ( )

    πŸ”— huskycraft.itch.io

    DiscordAPI huskycraft.itch.io/construct-3-discord-api

    EmailAPI huskycraft.itch.io/emailapi

    Itch.ioAPI huskycraft.itch.io/itchioapi-for-construct-3

    => I will not make any profit from this project! 100% of the revenue will be donated to the above charities! There will be a prove of the donation(s) which will be published here!

    Event-date: 23. August - 22. September 2023!

    Thanks for participating!


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