The drawing canvas works in preview, but not in android

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From the Asset Store
Pixel Destruction like in "Worms" (Drawing Canvas based)
  • In the remote preview or in chrome everything works, but when exporting in android, it no longer works (before it did, and I haven't changed anything).

    I use construct in Spanish, but I think the image is easy to understand.


  • Are you pasting the sprite on the Canvas? Try waiting longer before destroying the sprite - use "Wait 0.2s" instead of "Wait for previous action"

  • I did the test of waiting up to 4 seconds to delete the sprite after pasting it on the canvas. And it still doesn't work on android.

  • You can test in an old C3 version - if it still works there and doesn't work in the latest version, then it may be a bug, and you can report it.

    I know pasting on Canvas was working in my Android game, but I haven't updated it in almost two years.

  • Start c3 in English. This is the screenshot (it's the same as the first one, but in English)

    It is very strange, I have created a small project with the same code, and it works perfectly. But in my application exported to android it stops working.

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  • So when you set to wait 4 seconds before deleting the sprite - was the sprite visible for 4 second? Then disappeared, but there was nothing on canvas?

    Can you try drawing something on the canvas before pasting? For example fill it with red color, draw a blue circle. Then paste the sprite, wait a few seconds, move the sprite 100px to the side.

    This way you would at least know if the pasting action doesn't work, or if the issue is with something else. Perhaps the canvas is not created, or it's invisible or it's in a different place, or the size is wrong etc.

    Oh, and also add "Wait 0" before pasting, maybe this will help.


    Everything should be fine, in chrome tests it works perfectly, but in android the sprites disappear from the ground.

    I can't get it to insert the gif. I leave the link.

  • I don't know your game, so I don't understand what's going on in that gif..

    Did you try the things I suggested in my previous comment? If you draw something else on the canvas, can you see the canvas object?

  • I was able to verify it, it is a failure of C3, I have already recorded the error.

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