My C3 rant - no exporters no buy

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  • What attracted me (well, the company I used to work for) to C2 in the first place was it's ability to build games for Ouya and quickly export to android & windows platforms for testing. This simply isn't a feature i've come across in any other game engine.

    Personally, what I would want as an evolution to the Construct family is being able to package and export an APK from within C3, maybe even sign it too so it's ready to go instead of having to mess around with .BAT files to generate keys and run files through CocoonJS. For creating a desktop game, why not have a 'wizard' creator where you can select splash screens and game icon before compiling too and the backend does all the hard work?

    Anyway, my point is that 10 years ago games design, creation and publishing was prohibitively expensive and difficult. If Construct is aiming to be the "games engine for everyone" then the focus should be on making it as easy as possible to get your content out there to as many people as possible.

  • Guys , they said

    [quote:20imonq3]Monthly Subscription

    There will be a monthly subscription option at $12.99* per seat per month for short term use.

    That price is under the 'Education license' section.

  • > Guys , they said


    > [quote:3847uiqe]Monthly Subscription

    > There will be a monthly subscription option at $12.99* per seat per month for short term use.


    That price is under the 'Education license' section.

    Ahhh ok , I did not notice that thanks

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  • It would be great to edit in C2/C3, then load the project/html5 into another game engine for proper fool-proof guaranteed exporting

  • The C3 editor and behaviors should be a plugin for Unity. Imagine the power of Unity with the ease and quickness of Construct's editor and such. The editor improvements are great. Devs who want to make kickass browser games are set for life with this engine. If they want to make games for other platforms, expand the mind a little and learn something like Unity or another engine that offers coding, even GMS:2 or whatever. I'm gonna play with the C3 beta. But I won't purchase it after beta is over, not unless all of a sudden I can make indie games for the Switch and PS4 with it too. But for browser games to put on Newgrounds and the Scirra arcade and the countless browser game websites, yeah C3 is fantastic.

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