Build server Cordova 9 upgrade

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  • During some maintenance time today the build server has been upgraded to use Cordova 9, as well as cordova-android 8 and cordova-ios 5 respectively. As some of you may remember we had attempted this update previously but had to roll back due to an unexpected issue with some projects not building. Although the core issue has not yet been resolved by the cordova team we have a workaround in place that should resolve the problem and allow those projects to correctly build for the time being.

    You may have noticed we had some unfortunate downtime today; an additional issue was discovered during the upgrade which required some time to diagnose and resolve, we apologise for any delays this has caused you. Builds should now be working as intended, but some plugin specific issues may still appear as a result of the upgrade.

    These updates include a number of changes that may affect your project so please be on the lookout for any errors and file an issue report on our GitHub tracker here. We will attempt to resolve any new issues that appear as soon as we can, and good bug reports will speed this process up for us a lot.

    The changes that this includes for Android and iOS will hopefully allow us to resolve some long standing issues on the bug tracker, which we will return to once we have concluded that the recent changes are stable.

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