Bug with solids and peers using multiplayer mod

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  • Using the multiplayer tool, and playin in chrome, I'm using a tilmeap to draw solid walls around my base. When a peer joins my game, their game freezes up when their movement is enabled (8D or Custom) and the solids are enabled. As long as only one of them is active, they won't freeze up. The tilemap i'm using only has an event to enable it's solid, nothing else. Even removing all the code behind the peer's movement still ensures that it freezes up, so I don't believe it's in my events.

    Ive tried this with using sprites/solid instead of a tilemap, and I still get the same issue.

    Here's the full console log: GoogleDrive

    Here's the distinct errors im seeing in the Console:

    layer.js:70 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'GetScale')

    at Layer.GetNormalScale (layer.js:70:262)

    at Layer.GetDisplayScale (layer.js:70:164)

    at Layer.LayerToCanvasCss (layer.js:77:256)

    at CollisionEngine.TestTilemapOverlapDifferentLayers (collisionEngine.js:9:282)

    at CollisionEngine._TestOverlap_DifferentLayers (collisionEngine.js:7:125)

    at CollisionEngine.TestOverlap (collisionEngine.js:5:335)

    at CollisionEngine.TestOverlapSolid (collisionEngine.js:21:366)

    at EightDirInstance.Tick (runtime.js:8:206)

    at C3Runtime._BehaviorTick (runtime.js:81:41)

    at C3Runtime.Step_AfterPreTick (runtime.js:88:241)


    runtime.js:7 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'GetDt')

    at EightDirInstance.Tick (runtime.js:7:354)

    at C3Runtime._BehaviorTick (runtime.js:81:41)

    at C3Runtime.Step_AfterPreTick (runtime.js:88:241)

    at C3Runtime.Tick (runtime.js:84:178)


    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'GetObjectClass')

    at js_cols.RedBlackSet.SortByTickSequence [as compare] (behaviorInstance.js:4:360)

    at js_cols.RedBlackSet.get_ (redblackset.js:15:95)

    at js_cols.RedBlackSet.contains (redblackset.js:15:245)

    at RedBlackSet.Add (redblackset.js:27:256)

    at C3Runtime._AddBehInstToTick (runtime.js:80:104)

    at BulletInstance._StartTicking (sdkBehaviorInstanceBase.js:4:317)

    at new BulletInstance (runtime.js:4:92)

    at C3.New (jsutil.js:16:47)

    at BehaviorInstance._CreateSdkInstance (behaviorInstance.js:3:208)

    at Instance._CreateSdkInstance (instance.js:7:108)


    instance.js:9 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'Draw')

    at Instance.Draw (instance.js:9:296)

    at Layer._DrawInstance (layer.js:66:6)

    at Layer._DrawInstanceMaybeWithEffects (layer.js:65:339)

    at Layer._DrawInstances (layer.js:59:99)

    at Layer.Draw (layer.js:57:191)

    at Layout._DrawLayerList (layout.js:54:546)

    at Layer.Draw (layer.js:56:185)

    at Layout._DrawLayerList (layout.js:54:546)

    at Layout.DrawMain (layout.js:52:113)

    at C3Runtime._Render (runtime.js:102:144)


    behaviorInstance.js:4 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'GetObjectClass')

    at js_cols.RedBlackSet.SortByTickSequence [as compare] (behaviorInstance.js:4:360)

    at js_cols.RedBlackSet.get_ (redblackset.js:15:95)

    at js_cols.RedBlackSet.contains (redblackset.js:15:245)

    at RedBlackSet.Add (redblackset.js:27:256)

    at C3Runtime._AddBehInstToTick (runtime.js:80:104)

    at BulletInstance._StartTicking (sdkBehaviorInstanceBase.js:4:317)

    at new BulletInstance (runtime.js:4:92)

    at C3.New (jsutil.js:16:47)

    at BehaviorInstance._CreateSdkInstance (behaviorInst


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