3D Mobile Performance - 3D Object Plugin

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  • Hi, I'm interested in using the external 3D plugin (https://kindeyegames.itch.io/c3-3dobject-alpha) as I want to add some simple 3d animated characters to my game, but I would like to know if anyone has already done some tests on mobile to see what kind of performance we can expect?

    Obviously poly counts, devices etc are all variable, but to get a rough idea would be good on say a pretty standard mobile device with a simple 3d environment and a few animated low poly characters.

    I'd also like to know if the Scirra team are planning to add animated meshes in the future; and if so, should I wait for an official plugin rather than this one? Is there a roadmap for improvements to 3D?


  • Hi, I'm interested in using the external 3D plugin (https://kindeyegames.itch.io/c3-3dobject-alpha) as I want to add some simple 3d animated characters to my game, but I would like to know if anyone has already done some tests on mobile to see what kind of performance we can expect?

    Obviously poly counts, devices etc are all variable, but to get a rough idea would be good on say a pretty standard mobile device with a simple 3d environment and a few animated low poly characters.

    I'd also like to know if the Scirra team are planning to add animated meshes in the future; and if so, should I wait for an official plugin rather than this one? Is there a roadmap for improvements to 3D?


    Just dont use 3d for some objects rather than everything and performance will be fine. The 3DObject plugin works good, still in developement however.

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  • You mean; use 3D for everything, or just for some objects? I'd ideally like to see some test results on mobile with animated models if anything exists.

  • You mean; use 3D for everything, or just for some objects? I'd ideally like to see some test results on mobile with animated models if anything exists.

    Sorry i ment use it for only part of the game, not everything. I think he has some good topics about this on the website where you buy the plugin from, not sure.

  • Grimmy - I have found with the variety of Android devices, it really depends on exactly which platform you are testing on.

    You can also get it on itch and if it doesn't work out for you, we can do a refund through itch.

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