Locked icon CoquiTheGame for the Nintendo WiiU eShop

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$2.49 USD
RetroDungeon5 - electronic retro music in style of nes and gb inspired by retro games
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    Ok Kid !!! God bless you !!!

    and Remember kid my Video Game its on a Nintendo Console !!!! What about you ??? still talking on this forum !!! jajajaja >> Get to work !!! If you want to be on the History of Video Game specially for the Mother of all Video Games >>> NINTENDO <<<

    Be Wise !!! Work Hard and don't lose your time talking on the forums spreading hate !!!!

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    Ok Kid !!! God bless you !!!

    and Remember kid my Video Game its on a Nintendo Console !!!! What about you ??? still talking on this forum !!! jajajaja >> Get to work !!! If you want to be on the History of Video Game specially for the Mother of all Video Games >>> NINTENDO <<<

    Be Wise !!! Work Hard and don't lose your time talking on the forums spreading hate !!!!

    Alright dude. It's not a big deal your game's on the Wii U. That system was failing since it first came out, and isn't even manufactured anymore because Nintendo never broke even with the system. People are looking to the Switch, the Wii U's on its way out.

    By the way, we literally had garbage games like Meme Run, that was approved by some reps for Nintendo. Your game being on the system doesn't mean jack. And frankly, the way you've acted constantly about this, you seriously deserve to be put in your place by your arrogance.

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    Alright. I think that's enough of that - civility has already been requested by another user, so locking this thread before it goes any further.

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