Buddy Bot (Action Platformer)

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  • I played it also. Good graphics and consistent gameplay.

  • Well done, a really great game!. Didn't found any bug also, just a minor thing, the font on the Upgrade Menu, it's a little hard to read, but I'm testing it on a big desktop monitor

    Thanks for the feedback jeeba!

    For the Upgrade Menu, was it all the font, or maybe some specific parts were better than others?

    Was it too large/small or just too pixelated?

    Thanks for checking it out!

  • I played it also. Good graphics and consistent gameplay.

    Thanks p0pzst!

    I'm over halfway through with 6 new levels including one new boss fight, more weapon upgrades, and a brand new weapon.

    I'll be ready to show that off, plus hopefully a debug menu next weekend.

  • I feel like it's the inner shadow on the letters, for example in Muffin Musket, the i is a bit hidden

    Maybe separating the letters a little, like applying letter-spacing (from css), but I think that doesnt exist on C2.

    I'm wondering, that border effect on the letter, are you using the Toon Effect? I used it too for some letters on my HUD, kinda have the same problem, but I make the letter bigger and use Impact as the font. Not quite beatiful but for my demo I'm ok.

  • I feel like it's the inner shadow on the letters, for example in Muffin Musket, the i is a bit hidden

    Maybe separating the letters a little, like applying letter-spacing (from css), but I think that doesnt exist on C2.

    I'm wondering, that border effect on the letter, are you using the Toon Effect? I used it too for some letters on my HUD, kinda have the same problem, but I make the letter bigger and use Impact as the font. Not quite beatiful but for my demo I'm ok.

    Ah, thanks for the screencap!

    It makes it a lot easier to understand your concern.

    With the font on the weapon icons I'm actually doing something I shouldn't do, and I'm just rasterizing a sprite in Photoshop instead of using my Font Type. This is silly, because my custom Font Type is in effect essentially everywhere else in the game, but seeing how the Upgrade Menu was created long before my Font Type, I think I just let it slip through the cracks.

    It's clearly something I've taken for granted up to this point, and it's definitely an issue I need to address.

    Thanks again Jeeba!

  • Now just to prove that I'm still moving forward, here's one of the new enemy types you'll face after I finish the next chunk of levels:

    Could anything be more terrifying than a giant angry Rubber Ducky?

    Maybe, but if there is, I'd hate to find out what that thing may be...

  • Hey everyone, I've added a lot of content to Buddy Bot that I'd like to share with you, but first some screen shots of Crying Baby Utopia:

    For those of you wondering, no you don't fight the babies, they're just in the background. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    The last pic is actually of the boss, which is a giant angry rocking horse.

    There's a new weapon available in the new world that launches exploding pies, and all weapons currently available can be upgraded.

    Check it out and let me know what you think: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/826 ... index.html

    If you've already played, you will need to delete the cache in your browser so it will load the latest version!

    Thanks again for all your feedback!

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  • Hey everyone,

    While I'm finishing up the last game world, I added a level select for anyone willing to test out my project:

    Access it from the Title Screen by pressing the "Clear Data" button.

    It's pretty self explanatory, just note that instead of displaying Level 2, World 3, it will say Level 14, World 3. Basically you may have to do a little math to figure out the exact level, or just pay attention to the World Number at the bottom.

    Thanks for checking it out!

    Here's the link again: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/826 ... index.html

    If you've already played, you will need to delete the cache in your browser so it will load the latest version!

  • Cuteness and fun overload! Excellent,sir!

  • Cuteness and fun overload! Excellent,sir!

    Thanks Windwalker! Those babies went through a few iterations, but I have the perfect 9 month old inspiration for that at home right now.

    I forgot to mention that if you use the level select and skip ahead, you can add (500) credits to purchase whatever weapons/upgrades you want by pressing on the credits display in the top left of the Upgrades Menu.

  • Hey everyone,

    I finally have another significant update which includes the all the levels for the final (5th) world and the final boss fight.

    I've been doing a lot of balancing for the difficulty and tweaking the economy and weapons, and here's what I have so far:

    If anyone can help me out, I would LOVE feedback on the overall difficulty!

    What do you guys frustrating? What do you find the most enjoyable?

    Please keep in mind the story isn't done, and even though the professor will say the game is over after you beat the third boss, you still have 2 more worlds left to play!

    Thanks everyone!

    Here's a link so you don't have to go back to the first page: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/826 ... index.html

    Don't forget to "Clear Data" if you've already played the game once!

  • Icarus

    best C2 game (graphics+gameplay) I've ever seen so far.


  • Icarus ... nice work!

    Check out this trick to get the browser to reload w/out needing to force user to clear cache:

  • Decent but 'buddy bot' sounds kinda gay.

  • Icarus

    best C2 game (graphics+gameplay) I've ever seen so far.


    Thanks Gougth!

    I'm glad you like it!

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