I need to write some plugins for my personal needs and it also useful for C2 developers
I need to implement plugins for some third parties and money transfering services
I am good with javascript , but not good with the C2 SDK and the way of implementing the plugin
it's a bit hard maybe
I need some developers to help me in writing these codes
the SDKs which I need to write a plugins for
*backend services
1- heroiclabs.com -> game backend service
*money transfering services
2- stripe.com
3- http://bitcoinjs.org -> transferring bitcoins inside the game *it's the most important one for me*
*it will be awesome if we managed to write a plugin which support most of cryptocoins not bitcoins only
some monetization services
4- http://www.superrewards.com
5- http://www.kiip.me
6- https://www.paymentwall.com
7- https://www.pollfish.com