Use the WebSocket Plugin and Node.js/Socket.IO

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  • So I've been searching around the forum to find any good tutorials on using the C2 WebSocket plugin with either Node.js or Socket.IO.

    I can't seem to find much information that details how to set up both a basic game (even just movement on-screen) and a server that a C2 game client can talk to.

    I've seen plenty of tutorials and posts around the forum from way back when there were only 3rd party plugins to handle this, but nothing recent for C2's plugin.

    Does anyone know of a good tutorial for such? I've got a pretty good idea of how to go about client-server interaction as well as basic functions such as echoing player coordinates, but setting up both the server and the client and running them locally seems a little daunting.

    If there aren't any good C2-specific tutorials, I'd appreciate some basic instruction.


    And on a side note, if I were to use either Node or Socket, which one comes across as "better"? By which I mean more user-friendly, efficient, & etc.


  • Anything? I'd be willing to work out a tutorial for others, too. Just kinda need someone to start me off on the right path. :)

  • First of all I haven't tried it my self :)

    But if you need to setup a local server you could try to see if a WAMP server can do the trick. But if that works with what you are trying i have no clue. But guess its worth a try :D

    You can get it here:

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  • once i fixed some Bugs i will make you a tutorial how to do simple multiplayer

  • First of all I haven't tried it my self :)

    But if you need to setup a local server you could try to see if a WAMP server can do the trick. But if that works with what you are trying i have no clue. But guess its worth a try :D

    You can get it here:'ll look into it. Although I hear Node and Socket are more recommended (if more for their relative ease of use than anything else) than other servers

    once i fixed some Bugs i will make you a tutorial how to do simple multiplayer Yonda, sounds great! ^-^ I'll be looking forward to more info. :)

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