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  • Hi, I'm experiencing this problem in trying to reproduce a layout fade transiction, I noticed that if I use "End of layout" or a "variableX" as trigger of this block of events, the fading does not work. Otherwise, if I use as a trigger, a button pressed or a collision with another object then works correctly.

    What does the problem depend on? Am I wrong or are some triggers incompatible with fade behavior? Maybe a bug?

  • The layout ends when you go to the next layout. The fade is not something you would trigger on end of layout, you would first trigger it then go to the next layout. Here the fade is happening before the end of layout. Variables should work though, like when Var=1 restart the fade. Double check in debug mode that your variable is set as expected.

  • Here the fade is happening before the end of layout. Variables should work though, like when Var=1 restart the fade.

    thanks for quick reply, Ok, let's stay the "end of layout" trigger and watch the events in the image, here i set a variable as trigger, which is sure because the transition to layout1 happens but WITHOUT fade/effect. So what's the problem? Because if I put the trigger on the "x" button pressed, the events all work fine but if I use the variable does not work the fade but only the one-second pause with the layout pass?

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  • Ah I think I know what it is, or a logical guess, It's probably constantly restarting the fade, did you set trigger once for the variable? I'm guessing that's what it is because a keyboard press is a trigger (once, it works) and the variable condition by default is not.

  • Ah I think I know what it is, or a logical guess, It's probably constantly restarting the fade, did you set trigger once for the variable? I'm guessing that's what it is because a keyboard press is a trigger (once, it works) and the variable condition by default is not.

    Very good, thank you very much, that was the problem, now everything works, thank you again.

  • Good to hear, no problem.

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