How do I On Touch

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  • So I have already created my events using the keyboard for testing really, now I am trying to apply touch to these controls by using the "simulate left,right up etc" action but when I do my sprite only moves like a mili-inch lol.

    A better example would be.

    On Touch > Collision DPAD_RIGHT > Simulate platformer RIGHT.

    Now when I do this the sprite barely moves an inch even though it works perfectly with the right arrow key.

    I am not sure what I am doing wrong is there anything that needs to be added to touch commands or ?

    Or a better question, how do I set it so that when the player is holding touch over an object to make it act like I am holding down the "Right" arrow key?

    The really strange thing is that it works perfectly for jump.. Just not for Left & Right

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  • I'm certain the problem is with "On touch". This is a trigger event, which occurs only once you touch it. Try "Touch|Is in touch" or "Touch|Is touching object".

  • I'm certain the problem is with "On touch". This is a trigger event, which occurs only once you touch it. Try "Touch|Is in touch" or "Touch|Is touching object".

    Well I tried the "In Touch" and that works how I need it to, except that I am using a sprite, and when I set it to "Is Touching Object" the sprite that should be running only moves a bare inch when touching the object, it does not even seem to recognize that I am holding down over the object.

    EDIT: Oh goodness.. haha I figured it out.. Thanks for the help man It was so obvious I can't believe I missed it.. Maybe too much coffee..

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