RESET and EXIT screen, after the end of play

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  • Screen with RESET and EXIT buttons after the character's death (end of game).

  • You can make invisible sprites in the middle of the screen and set the collision disabled , and when the player die the sprites get visible and the collision enabled.

  • You can make invisible sprites in the middle of the screen and set the collision disabled , and when the player die the sprites get visible and the collision enabled.

    It turns out that the buttons (sprites are) still works when I play / clicked on the screen.

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  • Set the Buttons sprites collision to disabled, So you can't click on it, Then when the player die set the collision to enabled, Now you can click it.

    In the the event sheet make this :

    On start of layout-------set the buttons collision to disabled

    When the player die-------set the buttons collision to enabled


    You can set the buttons to invisible then when the player die set visible.


    Set the opacity to 0% then when the player die set the opacity to 100%

  • post your capx, i think you have a mistake in the event sheet.

  • post your capx, i think you have a mistake in the event sheet.

    I put in dropbox, please complete the address with the piece below:


  • you have to make buttons or sprites, and then in the event sheet you have to program them generally on add event---sprite 01 (or the name you put to the sprite)--- add action---system---restart layout (for example, there you might choose what ever you want. Hope this helps you out!

  • You can destroy the buttons on start of the layout.

    And when the player die, make an event that create the buttons on the middle of the screen.

    I'm sorry i can't open your capx, there are plugin that i don't have.

  • You can destroy the buttons on start of the layout.

    And when the player die, make an event that create the buttons on the middle of the screen.

    I'm sorry i can't open your capx, there are plugin that i don't have.

    I created a sprite that serves as a reference point, and let the RESTART and EXIT buttons off the screen, when "Life = 0", these buttons go to "same position of another object = buttons". Seems to be working well.

    Thanks for helping me.

  • This is great.

    There always many ways to solve the problems.

  • This is great.

    There always many ways to solve the problems.

    Simple, and works very well.

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