PLATFORMER: Push/Pull box

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  • This is a small example where I used a solid object with solid and platform behavior to make an imitation of a box being pulled by pressing Z button or pushed by the player.

    I find this method good for setting different speed movement so you can basicaly more specify how fast the player shall move the object and can even push it down a cliff!

    Note: The platform behavior in boxs settings got the default controls turned off

    File: ... 20box.capx

    This is REALLY helpful.

    However, with this method I encountered a problem:

    If you have a push/pull animation that has multiple frames, it will be stuck on the first frame. From my point of view this is, because the function that calls the animation is executed the whole time, which causes the animation to start over again, always. This is also the case in your demo. Just add a few colored frames to the pull/push animation and you can see what I mean.

    Is there a clever way around this?

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  • This is REALLY helpful.

    However, with this method I encountered a problem:

    If you have a push/pull animation that has multiple frames, it will be stuck on the first frame. From my point of view this is, because the function that calls the animation is executed the whole time, which causes the animation to start over again, always. This is also the case in your demo. Just add a few colored frames to the pull/push animation and you can see what I mean.

    Is there a clever way around this?

    I hope this thread is not dead yet. I am looking for the solution for the same issue and would really appreciate if someone can help.

  • Miu3, your template is awesome! Thanx!!

  • Awesome, but is there a way to implement the physics behavior? I'm brand new to Construct 2, so I just tried adding the physics and moving it around.

  • Awesome, but is there a way to implement the physics behavior? I'm brand new to Construct 2, so I just tried adding the physics and moving it around.

    What would be the benefit of physics behaviour?

  • The only benefit I can see is rotation. I would like the user to have boxes tumble down hills or ledges.

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