New on Construct 2

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  • Hello everyone,

    I started to use the engine yesterday and I'm pretty impressed. I used to use a different "no programming" engine for a while, but now I'm looking for different possibilities for a new platform game project. I know there are a lot of material online in the tutorials and forum (I already read many of those), but I would like to ask somethings before buy it.

    How it would be the performance of a platform game like a 16 bit style Castlevania/Metroid complexibility) for mobile platforms using Construct 2? Does it have USB controller (XBOX and/or generic) support for 2 or more players on PC/MAC? Is it possible to have a in game purchase system using Apple Store, Google play or another system? Does it have any ads system support? Is it possible to have a Android version for Ouya? I would like to have some movements like wall sliding, wall jump and others. The platform template doesn't have these movements, but can I add it somehow?

    Thank you very much

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  • It would run like "WOOSH" ( 60 FPS ) Just be sure to not use too many objects that uses the physics behavior on the same layout

  • You can never be sure about mobile performance, unfortunately. PC performance is pretty good though.

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