Load image from file, without change all objects images

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500 monsters and creatures images for card games - Set 1
  • The objective is create a function to make a button and set an image.

    The 1st object load image correct.

    When the 2nd object load the image, the 1st object change the image.

    What's the problem?

    I can't load an image for only 1 instance of the object?


  • You need to pick the object and in this case you could use Pick nth instance where 0 is the first button, 1 is the second button. This is essentially picking by the object's IID which is the order in which the buttons were created. Currently you are just applying to all button objects.

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  • You need to pick the object and in this case you could use Pick nth instance where 0 is the first button, 1 is the second button. This is essentially picking by the object's IID which is the order in which the buttons were created. Currently you are just applying to all button objects.

    I try it, and don't work.

    Pick nth instance, overlapping point, ....

    With or without "wait" (between create and load image).

    When I load an image, all instances change it.

  • The setting applies for all instances indeed, I think a way is to use the paster plugin rather than a sprite (that or having enough animation frames maybe)

  • Oh yeah, load image ignores picking for some reason. Oops.

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