iframe and localstorage not work ?

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Hello guys,

    i have published a html5 game using c2 and localstorage plugin on website

    it works perfect and the localstorage plugin is working too (saving levels, scores etc ...)

    then,i did publish an ios and android app to iframe that html5 website

    it work good but localstorage not saves (levels, scores etc ...)

    any advices ?

    thanks in advance

  • up bump

    any advice guys ?

    thanks in advance

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  • Can you write data to local storage and then load it from local storage in the same session? (without closing the app)

    If the data is lost only after closing the app, this probably means that android/ios allocates some temporary browser storage for it, and it gets reset between launches. This is only a guess, but if this the case, the best solution would be sending data to some online service, like Firebase.

    Why do you need the iframe? Why not simply export the game to a mobile app?

  • Can you write data to local storage and then load it from local storage in the same session? (without closing the app)

    If the data is lost only after closing the app, this probably means that android/ios allocates some temporary browser storage for it, and it gets reset between launches. This is only a guess, but if this the case, the best solution would be sending data to some online service, like Firebase.

    Why do you need the iframe? Why not simply export the game to a mobile app?

    because i did lost the .capx

    i have only the html5 exported

    yes when closing the app and reopen it ... it not save levels and scores etc (i use local storage)

    but if i ifrae it on webbrowser i mean the desktop one it saves

    but not on android or ios

  • this happen only on cordova ios (it appear that when restart / relunch the app the cache is not loaded in the iframe)

    cordova android is working ok

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