Could use help with improving my inventory system

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From the Asset Store
Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • It took me a little while to figure out how to work an inventory system to my liking, and I could use some help in improving it. Just in general, but I like to globalize this, as in not have to use the pick instance. I'm also working on an equipment/equiping, crafting, and hotbar systems, so input on those is appreciated too.

    Screenshots are below for the setup, but here's also my capx if you want to see it in action, but it's +10 MB.

    Click here!

    Basics 1/3

    Basics 2/3

    Basics 3/3


  • Any help, if anybody wants to take a look?

  • There is a problem with loading, you are preloading the audio in the music folder, while in fact I believe everything in this folder is streamed so you dont need to preload it... at least, that how I understood it. things in the Sounds folder on the other hand were not.

    After having disabled your preloading, so the game actuaally tried to load, I got a browser error in firefox, so left it at that ...

  • What are you actually asking?

    What is happening, what would you like to happen?

    There is 300 events in your event-sheet, so what events do you want me (us)to look at and why?

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  • There is a problem with loading, you are preloading the audio in the music folder, while in fact I believe everything in this folder is streamed so you dont need to preload it... at least, that how I understood it. things in the Sounds folder on the other hand were not.

    After having disabled your preloading, so the game actuaally tried to load, I got a browser error in firefox, so left it at that ...

    I reuploaded the capx. Disabled the preloading, and try again or try loads fine for me, both in Chrome and Firefox.

    What are you actually asking?

    What is happening, what would you like to happen?

    There is 300 events in your event-sheet, so what events do you want me (us)to look at and why?

    Look at the event sheet. Groups>Gameplay>Inventory.

    It works completely fine, I just want to know if there are improvements I can make with the events.

  • Well, because i'm using an older version, i really don't feel like checking the files out, but from a really quick glance at it, you could replace the series of repeated events with a function call (a separate object you have to add).

    Furthermore, you could nest the 201 and 202 events (drag the one below slightly below the 201, when it becomes a sub-event, delete the common conditions). This could probably be done in other places too.

    Sorry if this isn't much help, buddy... :/


    Not related exactly to your inventory system, but you really should disable the retina display option - it's a performance hog.

    Just check the results in the performance benchmark that was done for C2 a while ago. The difference was 20x in some cases.

  • It's a bit cumbersome, anyway I can replace the pick instance with something better?

  • Anybody else want to help?

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