how can i ?...
draw a simple line ( ok i want a glowing line yeah you caught me) to a object (a sprite) that is far away from the player sprite ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
sketch to describe please
aight wait please
here is a raw sketch <img src="" border="0" />
anyone ?
make sprite set it's position to player.x,player.y
set it's origin to left
set it's angle to angle(player.x,player.y,npc.x,npc.y)
set it's width to distance(player.x,player.y,npc.x,npc.y)
make sprite set it's position to player.x,player.y what sprite?
what sprite?
dem snapline sprite?
LittleStain I LOVE YOU <img src="" border="0" />
i can enable the snapline with the F key ONE then when i release the key i cant turn it on again. ...
<img src="" border="0" />
If you destroy the sprite it's gone until you create it again.
damn.. its too late i should go to sleep instead of asking that stupid stuff :D thanks man!
like littleStain says, don't destroy the sprite, just hide it (set visibility to invisble). But make sure you make it visible when you press F