How do I design battle system.

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  • Hello cleverest developers.

    I have been making rpg game with Construct 2.

    So, I need a battle system with using families called enemies.

    My question is how to process death of enemies respectively.

    it's my attack process.

    Thank you for reading.

  • Might need to use the individual objects rather than a family. Looks like you are calling them all rather than the one you touched.

    Might pass the UID to the function in a perimeter so you can pick the one you clicked on. Can also pass the click location and compare the nearest family object to the click.

  • Might need to use the individual objects rather than a family. Looks like you are calling them all rather than the one you touched.

    Might pass the UID to the function in a perimeter so you can pick the one you clicked on. Can also pass the click location and compare the nearest family object to the click.

    Could you show example?

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  • Id like to know as well im stuck on this part I think he means the Add parameter in the on call function.

  • Functions do not pick any instance, So you would have to put the health deduction events right below the tapping trigger

    -> On Tap gesture on enemies

    --> Substract HP

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