How do I create a translucent trail

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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • When I create a trail the trail obj overlap and darken since its translucent how do I prevent this (the code is the traditional trail making on the forums)

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  • It would be much easier to understand the problem and come up with a solution if you shared your capx..

    Could you explain in greater detail what the effect is you are aiming for?

    Would you like to prevent the overlapping of the objects?

    Would you not want to use transparancy?

    Could you give an example of what the endresult should look like in your opinion?

  • LittleStain

    [quote:f254bu87]Could you explain in greater detail what the effect is you are aiming for?

    Would you like to prevent the overlapping of the objects?

    Would you not want to use transparancy?

    Could you give an example of what the endresult should look like in your opinion?




    4.Yes Here it is

    I don't really know how people just post the picture thats why I used a link

  • If the overlapping happens the darker patches will happen..

    2*25% opacity = 50% opacity

    depending on how your movement is set up and what sprite you want to use for the trail, some adjustments can be made, They would probably consist of either preventing the overlap or using a tiled background or putting the sprites on a different layer and adjusting the opacity of that layer..

    Could you share your capx and/or explain the freedom of movement of your sprite and the expected trail?

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  • LittleStain

    I tried putting the sprites on a different layer before as well but it didn't work

    Demo Capx

  • As long as the sprites are overlapping and you use transparancy on them this so-called "glitch" will happen..

    Transparancy reveals what is underneath (no glitch there)..

    If what's underneath is not completely transparant, it will have a visible effect (two coloured windows behind eachother do the same..)

    You could try changing the shape of your trail, try to prevent overlap or choose a different method alltogether..

    But seeing you haven't got any gameplay in your game yet and the sprites/backgrounds etcetera aren't finished, you might want to leave this visual effect for what it is for the moment..

  • A separate layer is the answer, but they need to be fully opaque and then you lower the opacity of the layer (not the objects).

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