How do I create a pressure plate in top-down shooter?

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Set of tiles to create a map for top-down games with island theme
  • I am trying to make a top-down shooter and my idea is where the player has to sneak over a specific area in order to not trigger an alarm. So my question is how can i make it where the speed of your character determines if an alarm is triggered or not by walking on a certain spot?

  • Maybe have if character is overlapping

    Then maybe have

    If players speed is above or below X then trigger alarm.

  • Awesome, I will try that. Thanks

  • izicial

    Let me preface this by saying I am a beginner, working on my very first game. I am probably getting way ahead of myself here with trying to do complex things. You seem like you have good knowledge of Construct 2. I am wanting to figure out how to be able to curve the trajectory of the bullet after it is shot, similar to how you would curve a soccer ball as it is shot in say the old FIFA games if you've played those, and have some minor control of it after its shot by pressing either the arrow keys left or right or maybe other buttons. Where do I start with this?

    So far I made the ghost shooter that the tutorial walks you through, and I have added a few minor features such as walls, and destructible walls.

  • You could experiment with the bullet behavior.

    If you set it like you "kicked" the ball you could then set the gravity of the ball to a negative value and it will drift upwards at a speed dependent on how high a number you choose.

    Then if you wanted it to go down when you pressed down you would set gravity to a positive number.

    The rotate behavior can give the ball a sense of spinning.

    Also a good thing to note is values like gravity and speed are based on pixels. So 100 gravity means that the projectile will fall at 100 pixels and rise 100 pixels at -100 gravity.

    One last thing is that the play button with the bug on it is very useful for testing out variables like gravity which you can actually change on the fly so you don't have to constantly close your game and reopen it.

  • Nice, thanks for the help. After thinking about it further. Just having a bullet that shoots in an arc should be sufficient. May get too complicated and unnecessary to control the trajectory. Simpler may be better here. I'll let you know what I figure out

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  • You could experiment with the bullet behavior.

    If you set it like you "kicked" the ball you could then set the gravity of the ball to a negative value and it will drift upwards at a speed dependent on how high a number you choose.

    Then if you wanted it to go down when you pressed down you would set gravity to a positive number.

    The rotate behavior can give the ball a sense of spinning.

    Also a good thing to note is values like gravity and speed are based on pixels. So 100 gravity means that the projectile will fall at 100 pixels and rise 100 pixels at -100 gravity.

    One last thing is that the play button with the bug on it is very useful for testing out variables like gravity which you can actually change on the fly so you don't have to constantly close your game and reopen it.

    so i figured out the pressure plate thing for now. I actually changed my idea on the speed determining if a switch is pushed. May implement it later but i did figure out the curving bullets, I used the sine behavior so the bullets curve all crazy. I lowered their power so they don't do as much damage because that could be overpowering. thanks for the help

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