When button is clicked it does not go to layout

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Here is a link to the glitch in action https://youtu.be/F69Vr-ZBDrc If you have any questions about code just comment....

  • anyone... this game is due on monday

  • phantomunboxing

    There is no need to bump your own thread after less than an hour.

    You need to give users from differing time zones enough time to respond if they are able.

  • phantomunboxing

    There is no need to bump your own thread after less than an hour.

    You need to give users from differing time zones enough time to respond if they are able.

    Sorry I am just really scared cuz I have a really soon deadline

  • phantomunboxing

    A really wild guess, have you linked the layout with the two not working button to your event sheet?

  • phantomunboxing

    A really wild guess, have you linked the layout with the two not working button to your event sheet?

    I have linked them.

  • Trying to help from a video is difficult.

    Is it at all possible for you to just create a simple .capx that shows the problem?

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  • Trying to help from a video is difficult.

    Is it at all possible for you to just create a simple .capx that shows the problem?

    Here is a link to it https://www.mediafire.com/?t9wa6wl7w6gjsef

    My end goal is for when the global variable for the health of the enemy is to set to 0, the position of the buttons come on screen

  • good question fammy ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

  • phantomunboxing

    Your problem is this line:

    CloneTrooperHealth=0 -> System Go to go to level

    and the other lines where you compare if the enemy has health zero.

    The Variable you set to 0 at the end of the fight is still zero if you switch back to your level-menu and the event sheet is one big loop. So every time it compares the health variable and it is set to zero it switches immediately back to you level menu. So the click in the menu works but it switches so fast back to the menu you doesn't see anything of the other layout. You have either set the health to another value then zero after beaten the enemy or have a variable set when a level is beaten and compare against this variable.

  • phantomunboxing

    Your problem is this line:

    CloneTrooperHealth=0 -> System Go to go to level

    and the other lines where you compare if the enemy has health zero.

    The Variable you set to 0 at the end of the fight is still zero if you switch back to your level-menu and the event sheet is one big loop. So every time it compares the health variable and it is set to zero it switches immediately back to you level menu. So the click in the menu works but it switches so fast back to the menu you doesn't see anything of the other layout. You have either set the health to another value then zero after beaten the enemy or have a variable set when a level is beaten and compare against this variable.


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