How do I add gain to a sound

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  • Hi there !

    i have a pretty simple question, yet i can't find any way to do it : How can i add gain to a sound?

    i managed to reduce the volume by adding negative Dbs, like "add effect to tag"" (-3db)", but adding 3 db dosen't seem to work. i don't know what's wrong here, but it's pretty crazy. here is a capx to show you this : ... s+son.capx

    the only thing i'd like to do is to add more volume (more gain if you prefer) to the sounds everytime i click on the middle ou right button. but it doesn't work at all. i tried to add +3db, but the + isn't accepted, and -(-3)db dosen't work too, so i'm stuck.

    i suppose there is a really simple solution, but i tried a lot of things before posting here, and could'nt find any .

    thank you for your future help

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  • Use a global variable,

    Every time you left click on text,add +1 to it.

    Then play the sound at that Global variable value

    That's the power of Global Variables.

  • that's... just... perfect .

    thanks a lot, it's been a while since i used construct 2 and i completely forgot this!.

    on the other hand, it doesn't answer why the gain audio effect only works for decreasing the audio...

  • on the other hand, it doesn't answer why the gain audio effect only works for decreasing the audio...

    If it works perfectly,why do you even bother using gain again?

    Anyway,when you press the left mouse button,you again set it to -30 db.So gain does not have any effect.

    I think gain works for already playing sounds.

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