A little help with my shop system not saving correctly

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    E to open inventory

    When I try to open the upgrade menu then go back to the main game it resets the upgrade menu. I want it to keep everything in the upgrade menu the same. End goal is after you buy something you can come back and buy the upgraded thing. NOTE in my project there is a shop layout... in this post I am talking about the UPGRADES layout.

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  • I think it's because of how you're saving and loading the game from different slots in your system. The save game function saves and loads the entire game (everything including variables), so loading is wiping any changes you've done. Buying something in the upgrade layout, changing a global variable, and then loading an older save to exit the upgrades, will effectively set the global variable back to what it was in the first place.

    An easier way out could be to keep the upgrade menu inside the game layout (perhaps as a global layer) that you turn on and off when you want to buy stuff. Setting timescale to 0 will pause any monster action going on in the background.

  • Or just use local storage.

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