Why are Steam keys not available for new purchases

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  • Hi,

    I have bought a license directly from the site and then I thought it would be nice to have a Steam version that would auto install and auto update. Then I found the information that "Unfortunately we cannot offer Steam keys to future purchases from our site".

    Why is that?

    This is not much of a problem, just curious.

  • Table turns the other way too - Why can't steam versions have software licenses?

  • Using search, found THIS from Ashley.

  • Ah, so, as I see it, the two distribution channels - the website and Steam are completely independent and probably the nature of Steam distribution does not allow for granting all existing users free codes. Unfortunately that makes sense.

  • Website version > Steam version.

    My only steam complaint is the lack file association with the steam protocol. It is only set up to summon games, not pass on CLI information like what file comes after the URL's EXE call, and command line switches (unless you set the switches in and launch from Steam itself to give switches)

    It is a really sad oversight from Valve. I do not think it is impossible to fix though.

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  • Ah, so, as I see it, the two distribution channels - the website and Steam are completely independent and probably the nature of Steam distribution does not allow for granting all existing users free codes. Unfortunately that makes sense.

    Bingo :)

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