Tiled Background problem

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From the Asset Store
40 Seamless textures for tile backgrounds. High resolution 1024x1024!
  • I think I have a solution. Turn WebGL off. It works for me

  • I think I have a solution. Turn WebGL off. It works for me

    This doesn't work for me, neither any solution presented here. Sorry, but i sincerely think its a bug from Construct 2, since that my game have tested in other devices and appears the same problem.

    Please, someone help!

  • I have exactly the same problem.

    Setting Pixel rounding: On and Sampling: Point made it alot better but its still there...

    I even tried "Letterbox integer scale" but the small line still exists.

    Disable WebGL doesn't make any difference for me.

    I made a little example here https://www.dropbox.com/s/wzpr2tejg2zobpc/BackgroundBug.capx

    You can Pause/Play with Space.

    I'll noticed that those small lines are visible in the Layout-Editor too, depending on zoom position.

  • I know this is an old post, but I came across it searching for this problem. Tiled background shows the top tile edge as a thin line and on slopes like hills.

    For me it was caused by using the eraser to rub out on the top to make curves and it showed the tile edge line as it scrolled. When I drew the curves with the brush and coloured in and did not use the eraser it showed perfect. A bug??

    Edit update, it was because I filled I the whole tile with different colours that fixed it. If you leave the top part blank transparent that caused my issue. Filling the whole tile is working ok.

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  • Ashley : I have issues with image editor for a long while now. Not sure how to reproduce it, but it's simple: you have an image, lets say 256x256, and you crop it, sometimes it will not fully crop, but leave 1px of transparent border that is unable to be removed or cropped any further.

    For guys that have problems with seames, it might be scaling issue if you're project runs in unappropriate resolution. I always choose halves, quarters and such. For my current project, resolution is set 960x540, which is half of 1080, end even more, originally game was running in 480x270, so assets are only 16x16 and 32x32. At this way selected resolution, I have no problems with any seams, unless webGl effect is being applied to object itself, like floor tiles made out of sprites,something even as simple as blur, then seames appear ( no clue why ). My other settings are: Low quality scaling, point sampling, medium quality downscaling, pixel rounding Off, and webGl On. I use MagiCam plugins to zoom in, to get that original 480x270.

  • My earlier posts in this thread from 2013 are still correct.

    In non-tiled images C2 adds a 1px transparent border to allow soft-edged rendering and also has a consistent visual appearance to internal transparency too.

  • My earlier posts in this thread from 2013 are still correct.

    In non-tiled images C2 adds a 1px transparent border to allow soft-edged rendering and also has a consistent visual appearance to internal transparency too.

    In tiled images C2 adds a 1px transparent border as well, hope you can fix this.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Steely - it should not - if you crop a Tiled Background image it should crop with no border, to not affect the tiling.

  • After a few days testing ... I found the solution ... maybe work for you guys

    • Make images transparent on top and bottom in few pixels ( at least one pixel top and one pixel bottom ). That's it
  • I don't have any problems. If you are using Construct2's image editor, it leaves 1px space if you crop or resize with it.

    It's hard to tell what the problem might be without seeing the capx.

    Does turning pixel rounding help in project settings?nemo2012-10-05 09:54:08

    Thanks nemo, fixed problem resizing image before importing to Constuct2. After resizing the tiled background with the Construct2 Editor leaves 1px space in the border.

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