real: construct 2 not have a good performance

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    > >

    > > you can make game like rayman with construct 2 ? "you can not"

    > >


    > Lol, not in a month no, a game like that will take a year or more to make.

    > I've been following this fantastic game...... yes its made with construct 2.

    > You are only limited by your ability.


    generalhak probably meant Rayman Runner the mobile game. generalhak right?

    On the other hand, had no idea Raven was founded. That's really neat.

    yes rayman jungle or Rayman Runner

    yes rayman jungle or Rayman Runner

    Ok, you don't have permission to put links in, so separate it like this websiteadress . com /something /something and we will get it.


    > > Ughhhh, not another one of these...

    > >


    > Agreed, just wasted 1 min of my life reading his rant.

    > Feel kinda sorry for him, he is about to waste another month only to realize that there is nothing wrong with Construct 2's performance, but rather that the fault is his.


    you can make game like rayman with construct 2 ? "you can not"

    I agree with "Ughhhh, not another one of these..." ... Sorry generalhak , but the truth is that you lack skills to optimize your game. Have you read Performance Tips ? Had you done the platform game tutorial ?

    I've made Bounce Line in 2 months after I've bought C2 and still works good on weak hardware (DualCore, 512Mb RAM) . Now I am remaking it from scratch with all I've learned in 7-8 months of using Construct 2.

    Yes you can make great games with C2... See Super Ubi Land

    You don't become a game developer in just 1 month... And if you don't like C2's performance (witch is very good, but you don't know how to use it) you can always learn native languages, like C#, Java and spend years to learn the basics of programming.

    Autorunner runs a solid 60 FPS on my Nexus 5 with Chrome for Android. Some older devices are pretty weak, especially if they have a blacklisted driver and get software rendering. This is not Construct 2's fault, it's just crappy software on the phone. It's worth trying both Chrome and Firefox for Android in case they're faster (the Android stock browser *******

    If you share your actual project which you are having performance problems with, we can test to see if there is something slow in the engine, or make suggestions as to how to optimise the game.

    so you must run games like death worm in that crappy software on the phone !! its run smooth so... smooth ...

    and that game have a good graphic and so many particles and explosion and scrolling and speed and so many object !

    so you must run games like death worm in that crappy software on the phone !! its run smooth so... smooth ...

    and that game have a good graphic and so many particles and explosion and scrolling and speed and so many object !

    Spoken like a true developer

    If you don't like this "crappy software" why not write your own game engine or program your games natively and let us use this software since you are too good for it ?


    i am a developer ! (i not started with construct 2)

    i read the tips !

    problem is not good performance but it is not on construct 2 it is on html5

    i dot want to fight with you guys...

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    i am a developer ! (i not started with construct 2)

    i read the tips !

    problem is not good performance but it is not on construct 2 it is on html5

    i dot want to fight with you guys...

    Share that capx with us so we can have a look at your code.

    > so you must run games like death worm in that crappy software on the phone !! its run smooth so... smooth ...

    > and that game have a good graphic and so many particles and explosion and scrolling and speed and so many object !


    Spoken like a true developer

    If you don't like this "crappy software" why not write your own game engine or program your games natively and let us use this software since you are too good for it ?

    i mean "crappy software" *of phones* beacuse Ashley say that about phones

    > TGeorgeMihai

    > i am a developer ! (i not started with construct 2)

    > i read the tips !

    > problem is not good performance but it is not on construct 2 it is on html5

    > i dot want to fight with you guys...


    Share that capx with us so we can have a look at your code.

    !! no i dont want do open source my project !!

    i dot want to fight with you guys...

    i just want to say goodbye with construct 2

    and counstruct 2 creators must say : construct 2 is not good for big games on mobile phones


    i dot want to fight with you guys...

    Why did you come guns blazing?

    You can make awesome games with construct2, you can make awesome games with unity3d, gm, cryengine etc

    Each has drawbacks. But all share the same limitation (the user). It is only as good as the users knowledge and experience allow.



    i just wish construct 2 be a native like unity3d because construct 2 have a perfect events and actions... just this bye to all


    > > TGeorgeMihai

    > > i am a developer ! (i not started with construct 2)

    > > i read the tips !

    > > problem is not good performance but it is not on construct 2 it is on html5

    > > i dot want to fight with you guys...

    > >


    > Share that capx with us so we can have a look at your code.


    !! no i dont want do open source my project !!

    i dot want to fight with you guys...

    i just want to say goodbye with construct 2

    and counstruct 2 creators must say : construct 2 is not good for big games on mobile phones


    You could have send it trough private message.

    He messaged me awhile back for help on understanding dt before all the comments came in. I tried to give an explanation but it might not have been that great of explanation since I explained it using lerp which is new for beginners. Can anyone link him to examples (or short capx files) using dt? Possibly Kyatric 's examples? It might help beginners who come around with the same assumptions.

    He messaged me awhile back for help on understanding dt before all the comments came in. I tried to give an explanation but it might not have been that great of explanation since I explained it using lerp which is new for beginners. Can anyone link him to examples (or short capx files) using dt? Possibly Kyatric 's examples? It might help beginners who come around with the same assumptions.

    According to him he is a developer, so lerp wouldn't be a problem to understand. That is if he is in fact a developer (I think not)

    He also hasn't even read 20 pages of the manual.

    Short answer, he wasn't prepared to work the software, to invest time in learning his toolset.

    He needs to justify why he couldn't get it work - he is blaming the hammer for not hitting the nail in straight - I guess that makes sense - lol

    This reminds me about this guy who was saying that was making games for 20 years , but he barely had any idea about what he was talking and his game was a mess .

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