Question about NWJS recent versions

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  • Since the v0.48, I noticed that this folder was created at runtime when starting a NW.js game :

    Altho it is not a problem by itself, I like to package my games in a single exe file for convenience reasons, but when doing so, this folder is now created wherever the single exe is placed, since the original folder inside the package can't be reached anymore, and I find it a bit intrusive/bothersome to have that folder created each time on the user's desktop or any folder they chose to put the game in.

    My question is, what's that folder for? And is there a way to toggle off its creation? Thanks ~


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  • TheRealDannyyy Sorry for the mention but I know that you are very familiar with NWjs, and that maybe you can enlighten me on that topic

  • TheRealDannyyy Sorry for the mention but I know that you are very familiar with NWjs, and that maybe you can enlighten me on that topic

    I have no idea honestly. Are you sure it's NWjs doing it? I ask because the name of the folder is in uppercase. Also what's inside the folder anyway?

    Edit: I tested running NWjs v81.0 and it didn't create that folder for me.

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