Performance penalty when running game in a game using iFrame

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  • The "Inheritence layer" is an old Classic feature. I don't think it really used OOP "inheritence", it was more like an auto-copy-paste the initial objects of a layer to other layers on other layouts. So you could have an on-screen keyboard on one layout, use it on any other layout, and have a single place to make changes.

  • In such discussions I wish you could consider making C2 open source

    Enthusiasts could then add features -- offloading work from you guys. But, would it then be possible for you to define a viable business model for yourselves to ensure that all the hard work you put into this is not lost (in a commercial sense) ...


  • In such discussions I wish you could consider making C2 open source

    Enthusiasts could then add features -- offloading work from you guys. But, would it then be possible for you to define a viable business model for yourselves to ensure that all the hard work you put into this is not lost (in a commercial sense) ...


    That discussion topic has been done to death - use search - and is better off staying dead, IMO.

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  • sorry , didn't do a search ...

    I am quite apparently new to C2.

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