Noob question about AdMob, MoPub,, Ludei.

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  • Noob questions:

    1) what's the difference between MoPub and AdMob?

    2) Does Ludei provide ad banners like

    3) What's the best and most profitable mobile game ad network? (, leadbolt, ect)

    4) What are the market places you cannot forget to put your game on?

  • 1- Mopub is like a gateway for various ad providers, including admob ^^ There´s a guide on cocoonjs site of how to set it up.

    2 - Yes, it provides the standar 320x50 and full screen banners for tablet and phones.

    3 - I heard leadbolt and admob are the most profitable ;o

    4 - Amazon, Play, Itunes App Store, Tizen. If you´re interested in desktop, gamejolt, kongregate and newgrounds are a must too ;D

    Hope this helps, I had the same doubts a while ago ~_~

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  • 1- Mopub is like a gateway for various ad providers, including admob ^^ There´s a guide on cocoonjs site of how to set it up.

    2 - Yes, it provides the standar 320x50 and full screen banners for tablet and phones.

    3 - I heard leadbolt and admob are the most profitable ;o

    4 - Amazon, Play, Itunes App Store, Tizen. If you´re interested in desktop, gamejolt, kongregate and newgrounds are a must too ;D

    Hope this helps, I had the same doubts a while ago ~_~

    thank you very much!

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