New Website Ideas

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  • I'd love to see users game ratings and reviews and if it's possible, to use only one account for all, chat, forum, wiki, page etc.

    One idea I had people might like, is allowing users to pick subdomains. So for example, will point directly to your profile which eventually will be extensive and link to all your games and websites etc. It could be optional, you don't have to have one, but generally do people like this idea?

    I like this, there could be a "cooperation" status button that could be turned red for busy or green for open, and maybe a rank which could be raised by helping the community - writing game reviews, tutorials, wiki entries, posts on the forum..

  • I'd love to see users game ratings and reviews and if it's possible, to use only one account for all, chat, forum, wiki, page etc.

    I've been working really hard on this, we're actually using a different forum for technical reasons on the new site, but I've managed to import all threads/posts to the new one, create permanent redirects from old URL's to new ones, and also saved all user accounts (which was tricky!)

    So on the new site, you have one login, for forum, blog comments, reviews, everything! I hate disconnected user systems so have worked hard to make the 1 login for everything. So, your current username/password on this forum will automatically work on the new site, and all your posts will be transferred over as well.

    I don't think PM's, polls etc are going to transfer over, so you should be aware of this if you have anything important in them.

  • [quote:17gq1jmy]Made the whole site with Construct 2!

    Or, at least, the frontend

    That'll be an awesome promotion for the engine ^^

    Not that much of a promotion, and it would be unsupported on mobile devices and anything that doesn't use HTML 5. It would also be slower and harder to promote.

    I like the idea of having subdomains, but I use GM so you don't have to listed to me.

    I would love to see some blogs. Then I would actually be able to follow what goes on in the Scirra community. I'm a GM user and I don't want to look around the forums to know what's going on, but I'm still interested in what happens around here.

  • [quote:2kp5bqkt]Made the whole site with Construct 2!

    Or, at least, the frontend

    That'll be an awesome promotion for the engine ^^

    Not that much of a promotion, and it would be unsupported on mobile devices and anything that doesn't use HTML 5. It would also be slower and harder to promote.

    I like the idea of having subdomains, but I use GM so you don't have to listed to me.

    I would love to see some blogs. Then I would actually be able to follow what goes on in the Scirra community. I'm a GM user and I don't want to look around the forums to know what's going on, but I'm still interested in what happens around here.

    Making a website in C2, although probably possible to some degree would generally be a bad idea, as there a lot of design considerations/nuances in web design that need to be handled in a hands on sort of way.

    I've talked to Ash, and we both think there is a lot of great content we can write in the blogs about the industry, C2 development, things we see in the community, so hopefully it will be a blog people will actually read We'll make sure it's frequently updated as well, nothing worse than a barren blog.

  • Don't feel forced to blog. Quality over quantity

  • Absolutely, me and Ash are both quite keen writers and quality is something we wish to be synonymous with Scirra, so it shouldn't be an issue

    There is the potential in the future to allow other people to contribute entries, but these will probably fall under an 'articles' type section on the site.

  • A mobile version of the website would be nice as well. (especially if there is a games showcase, which is easy to find. Since some mobile devices support HTML, you could go to the website to play games!)

  • The site should be slim enough and well designed enough for it to load nicely in smart phones on mobile connections. I think the data on each page (forgetting cacheable resources) is only around 15-25kb.

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  • integration would be nice.

    Also have you two ever thought about an online version for C2 Html5?

  • Online editor for C2? Me and Ash have talked about it but that's a huge project Maybe one day...

    The new site will use gravatar. I've talked to a couple of people about this, if when the site is released people don't like it, then we will offer an alternative, but initially it will be gravatar.

  • I think an obvious suggestion would be to include actual embedded HTML 5 samples on the tutorial/samples pages.

  • I think the wiki is not practical to find something, and it lacks examples. So I wish to see a lot of search features for the tutorials, step by step explanation of all functions and the interface with eventually visual examples how they can be applied. No videos, juggling with a video player and a software is never fun. Eventually a downloadable/printable documentation of all shortcuts/functions to stick on my wall ^^

  • - I guess there'll be size limit, would be good, if there was an option to buy more space.

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