Mopub Json code cocoonjs 1.3

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From the Asset Store
Two levels with two sistem Wave. with Source-code (.c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • ArcadEd is this work for you ?

  • this works in the cocoonjs system not sure if ads re working yet havent got them running on my app yet.


        "ads": {

            "MoPub": {

                "iPad": {

                   "fullscreen": "id here",

                   "banner": "idhere"


                "iPhone": {

                   "fullscreen": "idhere",

                   "banner": "idhere"


                "Android": {

                   "fullscreen": "idhere",

                   "banner": "idhere"





  • I use that code ragathar, and works fine, i have some revenue after few days.

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  • Hi there, I'm trying to get my ads working in my game but i can't really figure out where the json code goes...

  • Same here. Sorry if it's a dumb question, but where do I put that code?

    I'm trying to get the ads working, and I followed every instruction both on the tutorial on and the Ludei Support "Ads" page. There's nothing wrong, but the ads simply don't show on the compiled app (the test ads show just fine on the .zip file tested on the Cocoonjs launcher).

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