Issue with "Start of layout" and "Set Y" for a Family of objects

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  • I have a function that is called 10 times at the start of the layout.

    The function is supposed to create a line of 10 blocks on the top line after it pushed down all existing blocks down by 1 line. The problem is that when triggered once it does that correctly and the Set Y Coordinate works normally so it goes down by one line correctly but when I call the function in any loop it doesn't work anymore and the Set Y is just skipped for some reason and all the new lines are on top of each other.

    I've researched workarounds and fixes :

    I've found a workaround but it creates 1 line per frame

    Setting a position inside the function works if the position is only chnaged for

    "Pick all" the blocks doesn't work

    I'm going to try to get all the blocks by UID and change their position one by one using an other function instead of using the family.

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  • I'm going to try to get all the blocks by UID and change their position one by one using an other function instead of using the family.

    It turns out the last test was the right one. Calling each cube works so I guess my issue is fixed.

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