Generate game link in trial version

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A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • Hi,

    I am a student and I am using trial version to build a game. From the software window I run layout and can see the game in html. Can we generate a link for the game so that I can share it with others those who do not have the construct 2 software on their systems? I tried exporting the project. It generated a link but the page does not open. SO I was wondering if that was because mine a trial version. Thanks a lot!

  • It needs to be hosted somewhere like dropbox or your own web host for others to see it.

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  • I don't have a web host. Can you please explain a bit about the way to do it via drop box. I am not a tech student :(

    Basically , the ideal scenario would be a simple way to share the game by giving the people its link to open it on their own browsers.( In a trial version). Am I asking too much!?)

  • You are not asking for too much, if anything youre asking for exactly the right^^

    So, there are dropbox and google drive tutorials, but i tried them both and they are outdated and dont work.

    Here is a method for google drive that work, i tested it last week:


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