Catastrophic Failure

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  • I'm not sure whether this is construct 2's fault, or my computer, but when I open any .capx with construct 2, a thing pops up and says "Catastrophic Failure" If anyone has any answers, please post because i really need help. Thank you very much.

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  • I'm not sure whether this is construct 2's fault, or my computer, but when I open any .capx with construct 2, a thing pops up and says "Catastrophic Failure" If anyone has any answers, please post because i really need help. Thank you very much.

    If it was anything to do with C2 then we would likely have seen thousands of reports, which we haven't. So the likelihood is that something has gone wrong on your PC.

    When did this problem first occur?

    Did C2 previously work OK?

    Try reinstalling the latest stable release (from the foot of this form) and just launching C2 by itself. Did it work?

    What OS are you using?

    Are there any other error messages?

    Have you recently had any browser or OS updates?

    Have you installed anything recently?

  • If anything else fails and all of your other projects open just fine, contact Scirra directly (via email). Describe the problem and attach your project's .capx so they can look into the issue.

  • Nevermind guys, it's fine.

  • Nevermind guys, it's fine.

    Would still be interested to know what the issue was, if you don't mind telling us. May be of use to other users in the future.

  • Yeah, thats os, or hardware.

    Time to put on the brown pants.

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