C2 Preview on LAN not working?

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  • Hi There,

    It's been a while since I used my C2 license but I recently picked it up again! It seems that mobile (Android) devices on my LAN are no longer able to view my projects when referencing the interner 192.168.x.x IP, perhaps because the preview on LAN creates a HTTP address and not an HTTPS one (which most browsers require these days?)

    Are there any work arounds to get this testing functionality back? Are others experiencing this too?



  • Maybe I can ask this differently...

    Does anyone who still uses C2 still have their preview on LAN working for other mobile devices on their home network that are trying to reach the 196.158.x.x IP address when previewing on LAN?

    -Still Curious

  • Maybe I can ask this differently...

    Does anyone who still uses C2 still have their preview on LAN working for other mobile devices on their home network that are trying to reach the 196.158.x.x IP address when previewing on LAN?

    -Still Curious

    Yes I still use C2 all the time and the preview works perfectly fine for me, I specifically still use c2 for testing even though Im developing on C3 because the preview on mobiles works better on C2 as I can preview at full screen but you cannot do that in C3 as I have to export every time I need to preview on mobile. So definitely it's been working as Im using it all the time.

    One thing you could check is that sometimes the IP provider changes the IP so you need to update manually in C2.

    Go to File >>>> Preferences >>>> Preview

    1-check if the IP that C2 has is the same as the current internet IP

    2-If the IP is not the same then click that grey button next to the IP box and it will show you all the available IPs so choose the one that matches your internet IP.

    If your change the IP on C2 then to preview you will need to use that new IP:

    "http://New IP:50000"

    If the IP is not the issue then I have no clue as it must be something else.


    Also, I forgot to mention that to Preview on mobile you need to open the capx in "Administrator" mode

  • Thanks tarek2!

    Your reply motivated me to go over the networking/firewall rules on my PC again. While I had an inbound rule set for TCP/UDP (As described in the C2 instructions), it was only set for PRIVATE... Changing it to also include PUBLIC seems to allow devices on my internal WiFi to access previews again! Still curious as to why I'd need public set when everything is happening internally though?

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  • Thanks tarek2!

    Your reply motivated me to go over the networking/firewall rules on my PC again. While I had an inbound rule set for TCP/UDP (As described in the C2 instructions), it was only set for PRIVATE... Changing it to also include PUBLIC seems to allow devices on my internal WiFi to access previews again! Still curious as to why I'd need public set when everything is happening internally though.

    Hoh, I remember that, I had the same issue the first time I set it up and spent a long time until I figure out that was the issue, I didn't like that has to be public but there was no choice I left it like that since. Never had any problem though. Not really sure why has to be public as I never asked and I never heard anyone asking about it so it seems like is something normal if you have the same issue.

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