Audio.PlaybackTime Timescale Inaccuracies

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  • Audio.PlaybackTime seems to give incorrect values when the the audio's playback rate is changed (in my testing this was done via timescale, although I don't doubt the effect could be replicated with set playback rate).

    While the rate in which it increases will speed up on higher timescales, it consistently falls short and is not usable due to the inaccuracy.

    For example, Audio X has a duration of 120 seconds. Audio.Duration("X") returns 120. At a timescale of 1, X will finish when Audio.PlaybackTime("X") is 120. However, if the timescale is changed to 20, X will finish when Audio.PlaybackTime("X") is 102, although Audio.Duration("X") will remain correct and unchanged.

    Is there a way to get accurate playback times without using Audio.PlaybackTime, which take into account changes in timescale? Maybe something with JS?

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